Monday, 5 December 2011

Bio-Chemists required by Director of Medical Education A.P Hyderabad

Director of Medical Education A.P Hyderabad
                          Notification to the Post of Bio-Chemist (G)
RC.No:28099/E3.C/2009                                   Dated: 28-11-2011
The applications are invited from the eligible candidates by the Director of Medical Education A.P Hyderabad for filing up of the nine (9) vacant posts of Bio Chemist (G) in various teaching institutions in the state under the control of Director Medical Education A.P., Hyderabad including RIMS Institutions in the State, in the format given below.
1.Name of the post : Bio-Chemist (G)
2.No of Vacancies : Nine (9) (May be increased or decreased)
3. Scale of Pay : Rs.16150-42590
4. Qualification : Must posses a M. Sc Degree in Bio Chemistry of a University of India established or incorporated by or under a central Act, or Provisional Act, or a State Act or an institution recognised by the university grants commission or an equivalent qualification.
5. Age Limit : Must not have completed 38 (Thirty eight) years of age as on 01.07.2011 (as per GO Ms No. 772, GAD (Ser A) dated 09.11.2007).There shall be a relaxation of (5) years for candidates belonging to SC, ST & BC’s as per AP State and subordinate service rules 1996.
6. Fee : Each application must be accompanied by D.D for Rs100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) drawn in any nationalized bank in favour of The Director of Medical Education, A.P. , Hyderabad. Payable at Hyderabad. SC & ST candidates are exempted from the pay ment of fee. The Fee once paid will not be refunded.
7. Rule of Reservation : The rule of reservation is applicable as per the Govt. rules in force.
8. Method of Recruitment : Recruitment shall be purely on merit basis and the following method shall be followed.
i. Total marks……..100
ii. 60% of the marks will be allocated against marks obtained in the qualifying examination.
iii. 40% marks will be given as weight age for past service and waiting period as indicated below.
a). 30% weight age for experience in government teaching hospitals i.e @ 5 marks per year of the continue service.
b). 10% @ 1 mark from the year of passing the qualifying examination (for eg. Some one Who had passed in 2005 would get 5 marks for 2010 selection).
c) They should have put in a minimum one year of continuous service on contract to be eligible for weightage
d) They should have put in satisfactory service
e) There will be no interview
9. Probation : Every person appointed by direct recruitment shall be placed on probation for a period of (2) years within a continuous period of (3) Years.
10. Training : Every person appointed by direct recruitment shall undergo training as may be prescribed by Government from time to time during the period of probation failing which he/she shall be discharged from service. Before commencing the period of training the individual shall execute a bond to the effect that he / she shall serve the department for a minimum period of (3) years failing which he / she shall refund the pay and Allowance paid to him / her in addition to the amount spent by the
Government for his / her training.

1. Last date for receipt of application is 5.00PM on 31.12.2011 (Dept. will not be responsible for any postal delays and missing transit)
2. Application to be submitted by neatly typed on white paper in the format which can be downloaded from the following website
3. The duly filled in applications should be sent by the Registered Post with acknowledgement due / in person to the Director of Medical Education, Room Number 108, Sultan bazaar, AP, Hyderabad – 500195 “ super scribed by the post applied for, i.e., Biochemist (G)
4. Application not properly filled up or without required enclosures will not be considered.
5. If any of the information provided by the applicants is found to be not true at any time in future, his/her appointment will be summarily cancelled without prior notice.

For further details and application downloading visit website

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